Sayyid Akbar Husayni School (ICSE), Kalaburagi

Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting  All visitors who visit this  site and provide information to Khaja Education Society (KES) online are covered under this Policy. This Policy seeks to cover information of the Visitors provided to KES online and also any information collected by the KES server from the visitors browser.

Details of the Policy :
The Information shall not be shared with any external organisation unless the same is necessary to enable KES to provide you informative services. KES may also use the information to improve the visitor experience on the site and make subsequent additions in the website which may be of informative and of interest to the visitors. We may  use the information stored in the cookies to improve visitor experience through throwing up relevant content where possible. We will also use the cookies to store visitor preferences to ease visitor navigation on the site. KES also may disclose information about you as permitted or required by law in the interest of national security and integrity.